Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Darker Side of Drag Racing


The natural order of things dictates that everything must be balanced. For every positive side there must be a corresponding negative side; light and dark, good and evil, matter and anti-matter, etc. Drag racing is no different. The legal side of drag racing is what you see on sport channels. There are many registered organizations that sponsor legal drag races like the National Hot Rod Association, International Hot Rod association, etc. The other side of drag racing however, is no less glamorous albeit illegal.

Street drag racing happens, well… in the streets. And you can bet the cops are none too happy about its conception. Street racing can happen anytime. There are staged or planned races, wherein the organizers close off various streets for that purpose. There are usually multiple participants and the usual distance would be a mile. Winnings are usually big since there are more bettors.

But not every street race is organized. It can also happen when two cars are stopped at an intersection. This is called spontaneous drag racing. They give each other signals and when the stop light turns green it’s off they go. This may not involve money; however the winner walks away with tons of bragging rights.

Even though street racing is inarguably illegal, many have come to participate in it for its unmatched thrill and allure. The thrill of racing at breakneck speeds coupled with knowing that the cops could very well come out of the next corner, amps you up like a shot of high-grade narcotics. Only those jaded types don’t get to feel the rush, but the rest of us absolutely explode with excitement. And if you’re one of the unlucky few that do get caught, well… tough luck…see you on the rebound, and I don’t think you can say that it wasn’t worth it.


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