If Nikolai from Russia had come a long way from his home to this gala so had Rocky Robinson from USA. He is the F.I.M. speed record holder. He has this rocket-looking bike of his that is capable of a speed of over 400mph! His machine is powered by two turbo charged Hayabusa engines and he tells so far he has run them on regular race fuel and haven’t needed nitro yet. I don’ know how they test these things safety wise? Flat tires or something starting to fall apart in such high speeds sounds terrifying! This summer Rocky set a new speed record of 376.363mp/h = 605km/h. Check out this video of his bullet ride!
Before the gala I had time to visit Lisbon with Marika on Thursday. First we took a train from Estoril to Lisbon, then we took a tram ride through the small hilly streets of old town. It felt like going back in time traveling with this ancient restored tram listening to Fado music from the earphones and looking out the window to this centuries old city. We had a wonderful lunch in beautiful Porta Do Sol district and walked around like
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